800 948 128

Car and Van Rental with Driver

For every need to move from 1 to 8 passengers, we have comfortable cars and vans with professional drivers to take you wherever you want to go with discretion and efficiency.

Tourist and occasional transports

We have a fleet of minibuses and coaches with 16, 20, 30, 50 and 60 seats, flexible and able to cover every transport need, from the sports team that has to go away, to the parish trip to the grand tour of Europe, our drivers will be able to carry out their task very well, with punctuality and safety.

Tourist trains

We have road trains also with electric and gas supply, fantastic for transporting young and old, they are ideal in tourist areas throughout Italy or on the occasion of fairs and events.
Perfect in summer but not only thanks to the lockable carriages, they have a ramp for wheelchair access and can carry up to 56 passengers, ask us for a quote without obligation.

Line transport and shuttles

We carry out scheduled and shuttle bus services on behalf of municipal and provincial administrations, in collaboration with public transport companies, we are able to perform regular services both as a reinforcement of existing transport and as permanent or seasonal services, with buses urban and extra-urban.

School Transport

Over 35 years of experience in the transport of students on behalf of important Municipalities such as Grosseto, Rosignano Marittimo, Cecina, Castellina Marittima, Ponsacco, Manciano, Rufina and many others,
guarantee us to be able to offer a transport system safe and efficient for the full satisfaction of users and administrations.

Bus and minibus rental

Solutions for casual group transport

Whatever your destination, from the out-of-post trip to the European tour, we have the solution that suits your needs.
We have a fleet of minibuses and buses Gran Turismo with 16, 20, 30, 50 and 60 seats, flexible and able to cover every transport need.


Safe transport from kindergarten to middle school

We have been carrying out school transport for over 25 years, during which we have guaranteed the transport of compulsory schools with satisfaction in many important Tuscan municipalities.


Regular services guaranteed by ticketing

We carry out regular scheduled services on behalf of municipal and provincial administrations, or in collaboration with public transport companies, as a reinforcement of existing transport, with urban and suburban buses.

Limousine services

Car and van rental with driver

Blue car and van with driver, at your disposal 24 hours a day for transfers and travel, from any place in the provinces of Pisa and Livorno.

Tourist trains

The fun transport

Our trains are suitable for every need, the ideal solution in tourist resorts and at fairs and events, sustainable and ecological because they are powered by electricity and gas, to be able to operate in city centers in full compliance with the regulations on noise and atmospheric pollution.

We will be happy to answer your questions and
recommend the solution that best suits your needs.